Trails are on the ballot

Vote Yes on Propositions 2 & 3 by October 4th.

Voters will decide the future of our trail system during this municipal election. We strengthen Juneau when we invest in family recreation. 

Recreation builds strong communities

With over 200 miles of trails, the Juneau Trail System is literally woven into our neighborhoods, reaching all parts of our community. It’s a big reason why so many of us use trails regularly. A short journey out the door puts you within reach of a trailhead. Trails make it easy to enjoy so many of the activities we love from hunting and fishing to walking our dogs. But this kind of unparalleled access also requires a lot of upkeep. This funding will ensure that we can continue to maintain and improve outdoor opportunities for our community today and into the future.

There’s also the chance to build a new public use cabin. Juneau families deserve another easily accessible option on the road system. It’s not an exaggeration that the Amalga Cabin has been booked 100% of the time since it opened in 2021. With that kind of demand, it’s clear what our community values—time spent together outdoors.

Show your support with an “I voted Yes on 2” digital sticker! Download the sticker here to share on social media. 

The City and Borough of Juneau’s annual Regular Municipal Election is just around the corner, and this year voters will be able to cast their ballot in a variety of ways in the weeks leading up to Election Day on October 4.

Ballots for this election will be mailed on Tuesday, September 13, 2022 to all Juneau voters at the address on file with the State of Alaska Division of Elections.

Learn more here.

View the sample ballot here.

If funding is approved, research and planning on possible cabin locations will be done by CBJ staff and then the public will be asked to comment on proposed locations or suggest new ones. From the public process and technical research, the location will be finalized. The research and planning will include cost estimates, which will be significantly affected by cabin location, ie remoteness versus easy accessibility for construction and maintenance. CBJ Parks and Recreation will place priority on cabin locations that are more accessible to allow for many users to be able to enjoy the cabin.

Areawide trail maintenance will include major repairs to the Perseverance Trail, including slope stabilization, bridge replacements, and improved access for emergency services.


Trail projects are determined each year for the CIP sales tax funding through trail assessments done by Parks and Recreation and Trail Mix staff.  Bond funding will allow for more priority projects to be completed. Additionally, community plans for various parks and trails are underway currently or have been completed recently including Fish Creek Park and Montana Creek Recreation Area, the priorities set in these master plans will be considered for trail funding.

Crew leader Jesse peels bark off of a log that will be used in trail construction.

Prop 2

Proposition 2 will invest up to $6.6 million in: 

  • Improvements to our trail system
  • A new public use cabin
  • Upgrades to the track and ball field at Adair-Kennedy Park

Prop 3

Proposition 3 will fund trail signage as part of an extension of the 1% sales tax.

Prop 2 is Supported by:

  • Second Wind Sports
  • Coppa 
  • Resolute Boutique 
  • Rainbow Foods
  • Subway of Juneau (locally owned)
  • The Bike Doctor
  • Alaska Fly Fishing Goods
  • The Rookery
  • Liz Perry
  • The Alaskan Crepe Escape
  • The Rookery Cafe
  • V’s Cellar Door
  • Nugget Alaskan Outfitter
  • Hanger on the Wharf
  • Alaska Fish & Chips Co. 
  • Roma Bistro on the Wharf
  • Twisted Fish Co. 

Yes on Two

Vote Yes on Proposition 2: Investing in Juneau’s trails, cabins, and sports fields makes it a better place to live and recreate

This is an excerpt from an op-ed co-authored by Mark Pusich, Trail Mix, Inc. Board President, and Lexi Razor, spokesperson for Juneau Families for Youth Recreation. To read in full, click here

We believe recreation, sports and healthy outdoor activities are fundamental building blocks of a strong community. That’s why we are urging a yes vote on Proposition 2 in the October municipal election.

Whether it’s watching wildlife along one of our breathtaking trails, cheering on your kid’s sports team, or toasting marshmallows over the campfire at a quiet cabin in the woods, all of these activities bring friends and families together. They help make Juneau the special place we love.

Proposition 2 would invest up to $6.6 million into trail improvements, a new public use cabin and improved playing surfaces for our young athletes. A yes vote supports more healthy outdoor activities for all of us, especially kids and families. It is an investment in our quality of life and our future. It is a vote to strengthen our community.

Specifically, this bond would pay for needed improvements along Juneau’s much-loved trail system, which is used by everyone from runners and hikers to dog owners and families with small children. Trails are also an important part of Juneau’s visitor economy, which attracts people from all over the world to experience this gorgeous landscape that we call home. With over 200 miles of trails spread across all neighborhoods, our trail system makes it easy for people to experience the proven physical and mental health benefits from spending time in nature.

This bond would also cover the cost of a new, easily reached public use cabin to be built along the road system. Anyone who’s recently tried to book a cabin for a family outing knows how popular they’ve become — and how great it would be to have another option. Cabins offer an economical escape from town and a welcome change of scenery. They are the go-to places for Juneauites to celebrate special moments and to bring visiting friends and family members. Another accessible cabin like the Amalga Cabin will allow more of us to spend the kind of time together that makes for lasting memories.

Crew member Julio cuts down a tree using a chainsaw.

This communication was paid for by Trail Mix, Inc., 5723 Concrete Way, Juneau, AK, 99801, Ryan O’Shaughnessy, Executive Director. I, Ryan O’Shaughnessy, approve this message.

Already voted? Show your support by sharing a ‘Yes on 2’ digital sticker on social media!

I voted yes on 2!

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