take part in maintaining Juneau's world-class trail system

Trail Stewards

Way Finder

Juneau Trail Stewards

Trail Mix, Inc.’s Trail Stewards program enables volunteers to be active participants in maintaining and caring for Juneau’s 250+ miles of world-class trail. Volunteers will assist Trail Mix in keeping trails safe, accessible, and looking great by adopting a trail for the duration of our work season. 


How to Become a trail Steward

Groups interested in joining our Trail Stewards program will submit an application here. No prior trail work experience is necessary! Groups will be contacted for scheduling trail volunteer day(s), which typically takes place Saturday mornings from 9am to 3pm during the trail season (May – September). Trail Mix will provide 1-2 staff members to support the volunteer day. Trail leaders for each group will work with Trail Mix to develop a work plan for the summer. Groups will have the option to continue work on the same trail year after year if they choose to stay in the program. Trail stewardship groups will each get a sign at the trailhead that recognizes their group’s commitment to that trail. 

In order to apply, groups are required to have: 

  • An individual over the age of 18 willing to be the designated Trail Leader 
  • At least 5 individuals who can join the group  
  • Ability to complete at least 5 workdays between May 1st, 2025 and September 31st, 2025. 

HOw it works

Trail Stewards will complete one workday each month on the trail they have adopted. Workdays could include projects such as rerouting a trail, improving tread conditions on the trail, adding gravel to the trail, and revegetating sections of the trail. Work is completed through the use of basic hand tools–many of which you have probably already used! We commonly work with shovels, rakes, and pulaskis. 


OUr stewards

  • Outer Point Trail: Juneau Girl Scouts and SheJumps
  • Red Mill: Juneau Mountain Bike Alliance
  • Lena Point: Juneau Gastineau Rotary, NOAA/ UAF 
  • Black Bear Trail: Trout Unlimited, Aukeman Triathlon, Rubicon 6
  • Under Thunder Bike Park: Juneau Mountain Bike Alliance
  • Treadwell: Volunteer Trail Maintenance Team

Trail stewards resources

Thank you for your interest in the Juneau Trail Steward’s Program. Please fill out the application below and we will contact you shortly to coordinate your trail adoption. 

Click here to apply. 

  • Black Bear Trail
  • Jumbo Reroute
  • Horse Tram
  • Switzer Creek

Click here for the program overview. 

Click here to view a sample work plan. 

Work plans are a collaborative effort between Trail Mix and the partner organization. Work plans will be made to meet your organization’s goals and abilities. 

Click here to access the post-workday reporting form. 

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